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Red Flags

Of course you didn't see the red flags. You were using them as a blindfold.  
-Erin Van Vuren

Did we see red flags? Yes but always had a reason for it. Did our PCP see red flags, yes and referred us to different consults. Did early intervention therapists see red flags? Yes and were very open and honest about their observations. 
Although we provided Drew the support he needed, red flags or not, I think acknowledging the red flags sooner would have made diagnosis day less overwhelming.

Classic autism red flags are no big smiles, no eye contact, little/no babbling, no response to name, repetitive behaviors (flapping/rocking), and intense reactions to sounds/smells/tastes/textures/lights. Drew did not show any of those behaviors and still doesn't. They say hindsight is 100%  Looking at more extensive lists here are some of the red flags that we observed: 

  • limited use of gestures like waving or pointing
  • making odd sounds (motor boat noise)
  • difficulty using eye contact, gestures, and sounds all at the same time
  • little/no pretending or imitating (no peek-a-boo)
  • using another person's hand as a tool (Mom's finger on iPad)
  • does not draw your attention to things or show you things they're interested in
  • under-reaction to pain
  • unusual sensory interests (liked to be swaddled up until almost 2 years old,fascinated by lights)
  • low muscle tone
  • regression of skills (Drew continually would gain and lose words)
  • Appear to prefer to be alone (at daycare, Drew was constantly off by himself pushing toys around, we brushed it off as sensory seeking)
  • restricted interests (when Drew started watching TV, he would only watch Word Party and would tantrum if I put something else on)


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